
Brunch - quick and easy recipes

634 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category brunch. Try one of these 634 recipes. Preparation time 1 - 600 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. See our favorite recipes here - How to make Montecristo gourmet sandwiches?, Delicious keto chicken casserole recipe, Aussie chocolate slice recipe, The most delicious chocolate brownies recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Fruit Cottage Cheese

Blend everything together and serve.

Breakfast Porridge

Step 0: Mix yogurt with honey and cinnamon. Garnish with nuts and freeze-dried fruit.

Zucchini Tartare

Are you among the lovers of tartare? Have you tried meatless tartare yet? Just a few ingredients, great toasted bread to go with it, and the perfect zucchini tartare is here.

Protein-packed Bagel

The main ingredient is quark and mozzarella😊. Quark is rich in proteins, calcium and other important nutrients. It also contains less fat and calories than some other dairy products. Mozzarella is also a healthy choice.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

These pancakes or flatbreads can be enjoyed savory or sweet

No-Bake Carrot Cake

A carrot cake that needs no baking. Healthy, simple, and tasty.

Pancakes without sugar

Pancakes from baby food

Bean Pancakes

A simple and quick meal idea.

Mini Muffin Cheesecakes

You can prepare cheesecakes in muffin cups, so there's no need to cut anything. Plus, I'm offering a slightly lighter recipe.

Tortilla roll

A quick snack suitable even for when visitors come

Banana Termix

You can prepare a termix for children at home, too.

The Best Carrot Cake

Moist and delicious