Dishes up to 5 ingredients

Dishes up to 5 ingredients - quick and easy recipes

395 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Dishes up to 5 ingredients. Try one of these 395 recipes. These recipes will take about 5 - 720 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. If you need help choosing, we recommend Best Old-Fashioned Tuna Sandwich Ever, How to make potatoes in air fryer?, Basic Chinese Curry Sauce, Homemade Custard Powder Recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Fruit Cottage Cheese

Blend everything together and serve.

Breakfast Porridge

Step 0: Mix yogurt with honey and cinnamon. Garnish with nuts and freeze-dried fruit.

Zucchini Pizza

Simple and great alternative to traditional pizza dough using seasonal zucchini. Will you notice the difference in the taste of the pizza? Anyway, it's a healthier version and you'll definitely enjoy it.

Chocolate Mousse from Butter Squash

Excellent and healthy❤️

Protein-filled dumplings

Yummy 😍, these dumplings are quick, tasty and done in no time.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

These pancakes or flatbreads can be enjoyed savory or sweet

Chickpea Pancakes

Looking for something new as inspiration for lunch? You can use these pancakes as a main meal or dinner, as a side dish or on their own, complemented according to taste, whether with vegetables, cheese, meat... It's up to you.

Homemade Ice Cream in a Healthier Version

Easy preparation of homemade ice cream

White Chocolate Mousse

Can you guess the main ingredient of this mousse? Don't throw away the chickpea water. This dessert only requires two ingredients, and that is one of them.

Bean Pancakes

A simple and quick meal idea.

Semolina Dumplings for Soup

These dumplings can be used in soup or even as a side dish to a sauce

Strawberry Cake with Quark

Quick and easy cakes

Tortilla roll

A quick snack suitable even for when visitors come

Blueberry smoothie bowl

Preparation step 0: Blend everything together and it's done