Dishes up to 5 ingredients

Dishes up to 5 ingredients - quick and easy recipes - page 7

374 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Dishes up to 5 ingredients. Try one of these 374 recipes. These recipes will take about 5 - 720 minutes to prepare. In addition to the ingredients and procedure, each recipe includes an approximate preparation time and number of portions. If you need help choosing, we recommend Best Old-Fashioned Tuna Sandwich Ever, How to make potatoes in air fryer?, Basic Chinese Curry Sauce, Homemade Custard Powder Recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

"Black cabbage" (kale) with jacket potatoes

An easy-to-prepare and healthy dish that just feels good with its hearty flavors, especially in the cold season.Black cabbage is very similar to kale (kale). I love the combination of the earthy flavor of black cabbage and the simple side dish of jacket potatoes. It's delicious, nutritious,healthy and most importantly easy to prepare for the family lunch table.

Fried beef liver housewife style

One of my absolute favorite recipes and a classic of German cuisine is roasted beef liver. I have been preparing this dish in my own kitchen for years and have made small adjustments over time to perfect it. I am very happy to share it with you here.

"Rakott Krumpli" Hungarian specialty

This is one of my favorite Hungarian recipes that has been passed down in my family for generations. Rakott Krumpli is a Hungarian dish that consists of potatoes, sour cream, sausage and eggs. It is prepared as a casserole, with the ingredients piled on top of each other. It is perfect for cold winter days and always a hit at family gatherings.

Pickled vegetables different varieties

This recipe for pickled vegetables is a must-have in my kitchen and I have made it countless times. Pickling vegetables is a great way to preserve leftover vegetables in a tasty way, turn them into a delicious side dish, or add flavor to salads, sandwiches, etc. The wonderful thing about this method is that you can experiment with different types of vegetables and flavors.

Quince jelly according to grandma's recipe

I love to offer my family and friends this quince jelly from grandma's recipe. It is aromatic, sweet and always reminds me of the warm and cozy afternoons at my grandma's house. It always involves a little patience, but the result is worth it every time!

Pumpkin columns from the oven

I learned this wonderful recipe for oven-baked pumpkin wedges from my grandmother and I've been making it off and on for years, especially in the fall when pumpkins are in season. It's easy to prepare, vegetarian and incredibly delicious. You can serve it as a main dish or as a side dish with meat or fish, depending on your preference.

"Vogerlsalat" or lamb's lettuce with vinegar-mustard dressing

I love fresh salads and Vogerlsalat, also known as lamb's lettuce, is high on my list of favorites. The beauty of this salad is that it is quick to prepare and has a wonderful earthy flavor. I like to serve it with simple dishes or when spontaneous guests announce themselves. Lamb's lettuce with vinegar-mustard dressing tastes especially good !

Homemade apple pockets with puff pastry

Who doesn't love them, crispy apple pockets with a crunchy puff pastry coating? These homemade apple pockets are an absolute highlight and one of my personal favorites. They're easier to prepare than you'd think and a real treat every time. So, roll up your sleeves and let's go!

Tasty Sweet Potato Chips

As a lover of healthy snacks, one of my favorite recipes is sweet potato chips. I have made this recipe several times and each time it becomes a hit with my guests. Sweet potatoes are very nutritious and add a sweet touch that, combined with the spices, is delicious.

Dauphine potatoes recipe

The Dauphine potatoes recipe is one of my personal favorites and a must have for my Sunday dinner. I have made this recipe many times for my family and friends and it has been a hit every time. Not only are the Dauphine potatoes incredibly delicious, they are visually stunning and add an extra elegant touch to any plate.

Tasty cheese sticks

These Cheese Sticks are perfect for a melted cheese craving. I have made them on several occasions for gatherings and parties, and they never fail to satisfy my guests. Their crunchy exterior combined with the soft, delicious melted cheese inside is simply irresistible. Plus, it's such an easy recipe to prepare and can be made in less than an hour.

Potato chips

Potato chip chips are one of my favorite appetizers for any occasion, especially when I have a gathering of friends over. They are deliciously crispy and can be easily customized with your favorite seasonings. What's more, making them at home allows you to control the amount of salt you add, so they're healthier than store-bought.

Olives in oil

This is a simple, traditional recipe for pickling olives. It makes a delicious and healthy snack that you can enjoy any time of the year. It is not at all difficult to pickle olives yourself as in Mediterranean countries .

BLW cottage cheese pancakes

BLW cottage cheese pancakes are a quick and easy recipe that will win the hearts of not only toddlers! Thanks to the addition of cottage cheese, the pancakes are more filling, yet tender and soft - perfect for children learning to eat independently. For older children or adults, you can serve them sweet with the addition of your favorite fruit or salty with yogurt.

Tasty apple jam

Apple jam is a delicious and fresh option to accompany your breakfasts or desserts. A classic and homemade flavor with which you can enjoy apples in a different way, out of the harvesting season.

Loose white rice

Loose white rice is one of the most versatile and preferred side dishes by many. Getting it loose and tender can be a challenge, but with this simple recipe you can make it easy and uncomplicated.