
Shrimps - quick and easy recipes

87 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category shrimps. How about trying one of these 87 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 10 - 170 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. Recipes such as Homemade American Jambalaya recipe, Stir fry Chinese noodles, Creamy Garlic Prawn Pasta, Best Traditional Seafood Paella are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Garlic Shrimp

A tasty and aromatic dish that even a beginner can prepare. Garlic shrimp is an ideal choice for a quick lunch or dinner.

Zucchini Noodles with Shrimp and Avocado Sauce

This recipe is perfect for those who want to enjoy a healthy and delicious meal. The zucchini noodles are a great alternative to traditional pasta, while the shrimp and avocado sauce add a refreshing and satisfying taste.

Hake for christmas

Stuffed hake is a dish that has become a classic at my table during Christmas dinner. Personally, I love the combination of flavors and the lightness that this fish offers, very suitable to continue enjoying the typical delicacies of these dates without feeling heavy. In addition, this dish has always been a hit with my guests who are impressed with the elegant presentation and sophisticated taste.

Pasta with shrimps in tomato sauce

The recipe for pasta with shrimps in tomato sauce is one of my favorite dishes. The prawns complement the pasta perfectly and the tomato sauce adds just enough zing to the dish.

Savory Japanese Pancake Hiroshima Yaki

This is a savory pancake with layers of flavors and textures - an unparalleled gastronomic delight.

Delicious spaghetti aglio e olio with prawns

This recipe is something very special and comes from my time in Italy. If you love prawns and the delicious combination of garlic and olive oil, you will love this recipe for pasta aglio e olio with prawns!

Authentic Shrimp and Andouille Sausage Jambalaya

This Shrimp and Sausage Jambalaya is packed with flavors, a blend of heat, smokiness, and freshness.

How to make Classic Spicy Cajun Jambalaya

There's no dish that delivers that bold, spicy, and soulful flavor quite like a well-made Spicy Cajun Jambalaya.

Black noodles with shrimp

Blackened shrimp pasta recipe. Great for a romantic dinner for two, as well as for dinner with friends.

Best Low Country Boil Shrimp Soup

The essence of this dish are simple ingredients and flavors reminiscent of the sea. It's traditionally a communal outdoor meal, meant to be devoured at a picnic table by friends and family, utterly dripping in flavor, salty from the sea, and pleading for a cold drink nearby.

Shrimp Bisque Soup

Bisque is a classic French soup made with shrimp and is often served as an appetizer. This thick, creamy and richly flavoured soup, in which the flavours of the seafood are beautifully preserved, is truly a gourmet experience!

Delicious Mushroom and Shrimp Risotto

Mushroom and Prawn Risotto is a typical Italian dish that combines creamy rice with the intense and unique flavor of mushrooms and prawns. Its preparation requires time and attention, but the result is a delicious gastronomic experience that always leaves you wanting more.

Delicious Mushroom and Shrimp Risotto

Mushroom and Prawn Risotto is a typical Italian dish that combines creamy rice with the intense and unique flavor of mushrooms and prawns. Its preparation requires time and attention, but the result is a delicious gastronomic experience that always leaves you wanting more.

Vietnamese Vegetable Pork Fried Rice Com Chien

Vietnamese fried rice, or 'Com Chien', is a hearty and flavorsome dish that combines wok-seared rice, savory vegetables, succulent shrimp and char siu pork, all tossed in a delightful mix of traditional Southeast Asian spices. This easy-to-cook meal can be served either as a main dish or as a side dish.

Crispy Japanese Fried Panko Crumb Shrimp

Panko Shrimp is a Japanese-inspired dish made of shrimps covered in light, crispy Panko breadcrumbs. It's a perfect appetizer or main course, especially when served with a tangy dipping sauce. It's quick, easy, and sure to impress your guests with its delectable crunch!

Quick & Easy Spicy Shrimp Sauce Tacos

Enjoy a light yet flavorful meal with these Shrimp Tacos, packed with deliciously seasoned shrimp, crunchy cabbage slaw, delectable spicy cream sauce all assembled in a warm tortilla. From weeknight dinners to a mini party at your home, these tacos are a crowd pleaser which can be prepared in a snap!