
Casserole - quick and easy recipes - page 2

119 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category casserole all in one place! How about trying one of these 119 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 10 - 600 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Easy slow-cooked teriyaki beef brisket recipe, Tuna Casserole with Crispy Parmesan Topping, The most delicious and easiest stuffed couscous recipe, The Best Easy Vegetarian Lasagna. Will you try one out?

Baked Broccoli with Pasta

Recipe for baked broccoli with pasta, which I usually prepare over the weekend or as a quick dinner during the working week.

Baked Potatoes in the Oven

Try this simple recipe for delicious baked potatoes in the oven. An ideal choice for a healthy lunch or dinner.

Kasseler and Brussels Sprouts Casserole

A hearty casserole with smoked Kasseler and crispy Brussels sprouts, gratinated with a creamy sauce and cheese. This dish is perfect for cold winter days!

Baked Ground Meat with Mashed Potatoes

Baked ground meat with mashed potatoes is a delicious and meaty delicacy that you will love. It is ideal for dinner for the whole family.

Baked Chicken with Cream and Mushrooms

This recipe is for meat lovers. Baked chicken with cream and mushrooms is ideal for Sunday lunch or special occasions.

Baked Chicken Breast with Mozzarella

Try this recipe for exceptional baked chicken breast with mozzarella. It's easy to prepare and the resulting taste is really amazing.

Cheese and cottage cheese sticks

I experimented and experimented a lot until, after countless attempts, I finally found the perfect ratio of ingredients in a cheese curd bar that I felt was just right. The bars made from it are just juicy enough and very tasty. My whole family goes crazy for it, especially the kids are a big favourite.

Stuffed doll

Recipe for tasty stuffed pork tenderloin with mushrooms, cheese and Orava bacon.

Baked cod fillets

Recipe for delicious baked cod fillets that are perfect for lunch or dinner.

Yummy Potato Bake with French Onion Soup

This scrumptious Potato Bake with French Onion Soup is a crowd-pleaser that leaves nothing but clean plates and happy faces around the dinner table.

Baked gyros pasta

Baked gyros pasta is one of my favorite dishes that everyone can cook. It's a completely simple and versatile dish that can be adapted according to taste and available ingredients.

Hearty potato and vegetable gratin

This delicious potato and vegetable gratin is one of my favorite recipes. The crispy cheese crust, combined with the flavorful potatoes and crunchy vegetables, creates a unique explosion of flavor. I've made this recipe several times in my kitchen and it's always a hit!

Creamy French Onion Soup Potato Bake

The combination of the soft, creamy potatoes danced in with the caramelized onions, rich gravy, and melty cheese is just too dreamy.

Delicious beans with chorizo

Beans with chorizo is a very traditional dish in my house. I always love to prepare it during winter days because its flavor and warmth make us feel at home. Although it is a fairly simple recipe, the secret is in the seasoning and the choice of good ingredients. But the great thing about this dish, besides its delicious flavor, is its versatility - it can be served as a main dish or as a side dish!

Tasty beef stew with potatoes

My grandparents used to prepare this beef stew with potatoes every Sunday. Especially on those cold days, this stew always warmed our hearts and stomachs. Not only is it comforting, but it is full of flavors thanks to the combination of herbs and spices that blend perfectly with the meat and potatoes.

Baked pasta with cheese and broccoli

If you're looking for something simple and healthy that everyone in the family will enjoy, be sure to try this baked pasta with cheese and broccoli.