
Garlic - quick and easy recipes - page 40

2226 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category garlic. How about trying one of these 2226 recipes today? You will need this much time for the following recipes 5 - 1440 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. See our favorite recipes here - The best ever carbonara recipe, The Best Devilled Sausages, Baked lamb chops easy recipe, The best Chicken japanese curry recipe - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Tuna fitness spread

Fitness tuna spread is great for breakfast or a quick lunch. What's more, the preparation is so simple and quick that anyone can really do it!

Quick & Easy Homemade Pickled Onions

These are so simple to make and taste much better than anything you could ever buy at a store!

Simple EVOO Olive Oil Sauce

This EVOO Sauce is a recipe inspired by Italian heritage, where Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a staple in every kitchen.

Perfect Oven Roasted Beef Tenderloin

This simple yet satisfying Roasted Beef Tenderloin recipe is seasoned to perfection and cooked just right, ensuring a juicy and tender centerpiece for any festive meal.

Pork tenderloin in a pan

Pan seared pork tenderloin is one of my favorite dishes. I prepare it often for my family and friends and it is always met with enthusiasm.

Cabbage soup

It's one of those soups I've made countless times. This kind of cabbage soup makes me happy on winter days, and it's a dish that lacks neither flavor nor nutrition.

Sweet chilli sauce

Sweet chilli sauce is one of my favourite additions to the meal. I like it best with baked chicken strips or as a dip for spring rolls. This recipe is really simple

Soup with lentils

Lentil soup is one of my most beloved dishes. Simple to prepare, nutritious and satiating. Perfect for cold days.

Rustic minced meat stew

This robust, hearty stew has been our lifeline on cold winter days more than once. The freshness of the vegetables and potatoes, combined with the hearty note of minced meat, makes for a delicious combination. Add toast or a fresh baguette and the day is saved. Every spoonful reminds me of the many times we have prepared and enjoyed this dish with joy and enthusiasm.

"Caldo verde" Portuguese stew

Caldo Verde is a traditional Portuguese stew that is characterized by its simplicity and use of fresh ingredients. I have made this recipe many times and it is always a treat for the senses. The powerful flavors of kale and chorizo are complemented by the earthy goodness of russet chestnut potatoes to create a dish that is both hearty and invigorating.

"Arroz con Pollo" (chicken with rice) - A traditional Latin American dish

Arroz con Pollo is a Spanish recipe that I have made many times and it is one of my family's favorites. Surely it's the delicious mix of chicken, spices and the succulent rice that really makes the difference. each serving is an adventure trip to Latin America. So, if you're ready to dive into Andalusian cuisine, let's get started!

Hearty minced meat with pointed cabbage

This recipe is popular with my family and is often on our table. The combination of spicy minced meat and the mild, slightly sweet taste of pointed cabbage is simply unbeatable. With a few little tricks that I've learned over the years, this dish is always an absolute treat.

Ultimate Grilled Veggie Burger

This recipe is not only perfect for vegetarians and vegans, but also for anyone who wants to enjoy a flavorful and healthier alternative to traditional burgers.

Easy Creamy Mushroom Garlic Pasta

The blend of fresh ingredients combined with the creamy texture of this pasta takes you on a journey to food heaven.

Classic Crispy Duck Steak Frites

Duck Steak Frites turns the quintessential French delight of steak frites on its head by replacing the good old steak with the sophistication of duck.

Traditional Cottage Pie

Cottage Pie is a traditional British recipe, ideal for sharing with the family and enjoying a comforting meal. I love it for its combination of rustic flavors and soft but hearty textures. Over the years, I have perfected my recipe to get the perfect balance of meat, mashed potatoes and vegetables.