Fluffy Yeast Rolls with Garlic and Cheese Filling

Fluffy Yeast Rolls with Garlic and Cheese Filling

Soft yeast dough filled with a wonderful mixture of bear's garlic and cheese. Bear's garlic is healthy, tasty, and can be used in the kitchen in various ways.



number of servings

On the road

  • 500 g special fine flour Added to
  • 100 ml yoghurt Added to
  • 50 ml oil Added to
  • 50 ml olive oil Added to
  • 200 ml milk Added to
  • 21 g fresh yeast Added to
  • 112 kl salt Added to
  • 2 tablespoon sugar Added to

On ice

  • Bear's garlic Added to
  • Cheese in salty brine Added to
  • salt Added to


  • 1 tablespoon water Added to
  • 1 pcs yolk Added to
  • seeds Added to


30 min.
1. Step

From the given ingredients we will make a semi-soft non-sticky dough, which we let rise for about 30-35 minutes, depending on room temperature.

2. Step

In the meantime, we chop the wild garlic, which we mix with crumbled cheese and season it a little. I used cow's cheese in a salty brine about 300g, but you can put less or more, as you like :-) I had a good 2-3 handfuls of wild garlic.

3. Step

When our dough has risen, we cut it into 12 equal pieces, which we knead again into little loaves. Slightly roll out each loaf, place a generous amount of filling in the centre and close it like a bun. Place on a tray lined with paper, brush with a yolk mixed with a little water and sprinkle with seeds. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 25 minutes.

Fluffy Yeast Rolls with Garlic and Cheese Filling - preparation step 1
4. Step

These salty buns are amazingly tasty. The dough is very delicate, soft, and also has a great taste of its own :-) The filling is also very delicious and is really rich. And what's also very important, this pastry stays beautifully soft even the next day!!! Bon appétit!

Fluffy Yeast Rolls with Garlic and Cheese Filling - preparation step 1
5. Step

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