Source: Martina Raedlein for Alamy Stock Foto
Make sloe liqueur yourself
This recipe comes directly from my family tradition - every year, when the sloes are ripe and ready for picking, we set out to make this special liqueur. I always have the fruit picked after the first frost, as this helps to enhance its delicious aroma. Patience is really the key here; the longer you can wait, the more intense the flavor will be - and it's worth every minute!
- 1 kg Ripe sloes
- 250 g White sugar
- 700 ml Vodka or grain, Pure alcohol
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To replicate the sloe liqueur recipe - first wash and dry the sloes thoroughly. I recommend washing by hand to remove any impurities or insects.
Then prick the fruit all around with a fork. This allows the alcohol to penetrate deep inside the fruit and release the full flavors.
Place sloes, sugar and alcohol in a large jar and seal tightly. I like to put a layer of sugar between the layers of fruit for an even syrup.
Put the jar in a dark, cool place and let it infuse for at least 2 months. I advise you to gently shake the jar every day for the first two weeks to dissolve the sugar.
After this time, strain the liqueur through a fine sieve or cloth to remove the sloes and any solids.
Fill the filtered sloe liqueur into clean bottles and seal well. It can be enjoyed immediately, but as with many liqueurs, it will get even better with time. Try aging the sloe liqueur for a year or two, or even longer - you'll be amazed at how pronounced and complex the flavors can become!