Traditional pho veal soup recipe

This recipe is the most typical dish in Vietnamese cuisine. It's a clear rice noodle soup with meat, bean sprouts and some fresh herbs. On the streets of Vietnam you can find hundreds of street food stands serving Pho soup for breakfast, lunch or dinner



number of servings


  • 212 l water Added to
  • 1 kg veal bones Added to
  • 300 g veal shank Added to
  • 4 shallots Added to
  • 1 onion Added to
  • 1 ginger Added to
  • 12 teaspoon salt Added to
  • 5 tablespoon fish sauce Added to
  • 1 tablespoon sugar Added to


  • 5 Pieces starseed aniseed Added to
  • 2 cinnamon sticks Added to
  • 5 cloves Added to
  • 12 tablespoon Coriander Seeds Added to
  • 12 teaspoon Fennel Seeds Added to
  • 1 Black cardamom Added to


  • 400 g rice noodles Added to
  • 200 g veal Added to
  • 1 onion Added to
  • 2 spring onion Added to
  • 10 g coriander Added to


  • bean sprouts Added to
  • thai basil Added to
  • Cilantro or coliander leaves Added to
  • lemon Added to
  • Sriracha sauce Added to
  • hoisin sauce Added to


300 min.
1. Step

Hydrate the rice noodles for at least 1 hour.

2. Step

Grill the shallot, ginger, cinnamon and star anise. Set aside.

3. Step

Toast the spices. Put them in a tea bag and set them aside.

4. Step

Boil the bones and the knuckle, when it comes to a boil, wait 5 minutes and discard the water. Clean the bones and meat well.

5. Step

Put the bones and meat back in the pot and add water again.

6. Step

Add the onion and ginger. Simmer without boiling for 1 hour.

7. Step

Add the shallots, spice bag, salt, fish sauce and sugar. Stir and cook for a further 2 hours.

8. Step

Remove the meat and leave it to cool completely in a bowl of water. Then carefully slice the meat.

9. Step

For the vegetable topping, finely julienne the onion, separate the white part of the spring onion and chop the green part together with the coriander, julienne is the white part of the spring onion.

10. Step

Choose your favourite part of the veal and cut it finely.

11. Step

Take a portion of rice noodles and blanch them in boiling water for 15 seconds. Then put them in the bowl.

12. Step

Place the meats on top.

13. Step

Top with spring onions, onion, coriander, onion and coriander.

14. Step

Add a good amount of soup with a dash of black pepper on top.

15. Step

Serve with Hoisin and Sriracha sauce, bean sprouts, Thai basil, coriander and lime wedges.

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