Healthy and easy spinach quiche recipe

This quiche recipe is nutritious, healthy, easy and delicious. Spinach, turkey and cheese are its main ingredients, which work magic together in this dish.

Healthy spinach recipes (including what goes well with spinach)

The recipe can be found in this article

Healthy spinach recipes (including what goes well with spinach)


number of servings
  • 250 gr turkey Added to
  • 2 egg Added to
  • 150 ml quark cheese Added to
  • 2 cloves garlic Added to
  • nutmeg Added to
  • 1 Package short-crust pastry Added to
  • 300 g frozen spinach Added to


60 min.
1. Step

Take the shortcrust pastry out of the package and let it rest for 20 minutes before rolling it out. Then, Turn the oven on at 180 degrees up and down.

2. Step

Put the spinach in a frying pan and stir while it starts to break down and release the water.

3. Step

Meanwhile, in a separate frying pan, put the chopped garlic in half with a little oil and when they are golden brown, add the turkey cut into small pieces.

4. Step

Once the turkey has browned, remove the garlic. Set the spinach and turkey aside.

5. Step

Spread the shortcrust pastry on a mould and make small holes all over the base with a fork.

6. Step

Put the dough in the oven with a fan for 15 minutes.

7. Step

While the dough is browning, mix the cheese, the two eggs and nutmeg to taste in a bowl. Mix all the ingredients together until the dough is homogeneous.

8. Step

Return to the cooker and add the turkey to the spinach, mix all the ingredients on low heat.

9. Step

Add them to the cheese and egg mixture. Mix everything together again.

10. Step

Remove the dough from the oven and add the spinach mixture.

11. Step

Bake for another 30 minutes.

12. Step

And that's it! Now you have a spinach quiche very fit.

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