
Every single ingredient in this dish is super healthy in itself. Together, they make the perfect mix of healthy fats (salmon and avocado), filling carbohydrates (rice), and proteins (salmon, edamame).

Quick and easy dinner ideas for tonight

The recipe can be found in this article

Quick and easy dinner ideas for tonight


number of servings
  • 400 g salmon sashimi quality Added to
  • 150 g rice sushi rice Added to
  • 1 lime Added to
  • 4 tablespoon soy sauce Added to
  • chili powder Added to
  • 1 teaspoon With Added to
  • 1 mango Added to
  • 12 avocado Added to
  • 6 radishes Added to
  • 2 spring onion Added to
  • 250 g soybean (edamame blanched) Added to
  • 2 stems coriander Added to
  • 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds Added to
  • 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds Added to
  • 130 g Goma wakame seaweed salad Added to
  • salt Added to
  • 400 g red cabbage Added to


60 min.
1. Step

Place salmon in the freezer for 30 minutes (this will make it easier to cut later). Wash the sushi rice, cook in water according to the instructions, and spread on a large plate to cool.

2. Step

Take the salmon out of the freezer, check for bones, remove the skin with a sharp knife and cut into 1.5 cm cubes.

3. Step

Lime should be halved, and the juice squeezed out. In a bowl, combine this with the soy sauce, chili powder, and honey, then add the fish cubes. Combine all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl, cover, and place in the refrigerator.

4. Step

In the meantime, peel the mango, halve the core and cut it into cubes. Halve the avocado and lift the pulp out of the skin with a large spoon and cut into fine wedges or small cubes. Wash the radishes and spring onions and cut them into fine slices or rolls. Then remove the edamame beans from their pods, wash them briefly and dry them. Wash the coriander as well, shake dry and finely chop the leaves. Lightly toast the white and black sesame seeds without fat in a nonstick pan.

5. Step

Cut the red cabbage into excellent strips. Put in a bowl with Salt and knead so that the cabbage becomes soft.

6. Step

Put the cooled rice in a bowl, then drape the prepared vegetables, lettuce, and fruit on top. Finally, put the marinated salmon cubes in the bowl and sprinkle them with sesame seeds and coriander.

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